My baby “graduated” from kindergarten this week. She “graduated” from pre-K last year, too, though there was a bit less pomp and circumstance. Is it silly? A little. Is it fun? Sure. Does it tug at a mama’s heart strings? Absolutely. It feels like we are in a season of change right now....

4 Back to School No-Cook Recipes & Ideas
We shared these four simple, delicious, and healthy back-to-school ideas during our in-store demonstration at Whole Foods Market Bradburn/Westminster on Aug 18, 2015. Make Your Own Hummus (and Make it Your Own) with assorted and colorful crudités Pesto with Caprese Dippers (ie mozzarella cubes and cherry tomatoes on a stick)...
Make Your Own Hummus (and Make It Your Own)
PrintMake Your Own Hummus (and Make It Your Own) Ingredients1 15oz can Chickpeas/Garbanzo Beans, drained and rinsed Juice of 1/2-1 whole Lemon 2-4 Tablespoons Tahini 0-2 cloves of Garlic Salt and Pepper to tasteInstructionsPile all the ingredients into a food processor. Process until very smooth. Taste and assess - add more lemon juice? Add...

If You Take a Foodie Camping, She’ll…Pack Meat
It’s summer! Most people have known this to be a fact for a while now, but summer was late in coming to CO this year. I’m glad for all the rain we got, but glad too now to get out and into the woods enjoying our family’s summer sport: CAMPING! What does a foodie...

This Week in Eats
It’s been a good week. In fact, an amazing week. Of eats. Good eats, that is! Amazing enough to make me think I might be a kitchen manic-depressive. I’d been in a months-long slump and then WHAM! suddenly I was on fire and motivated (obsessed?) again. In the space of one week I cooked...
Veggie Love with #LoveHealthy
We’re always glad to partner with Don’t Panic Mom, and her new #LoveHealthy campaign is just tops. You can find #LoveHealthy ideas via Facebook or Pinterest – It’s all about making vegetables accessible, fun, and delicious for any and every family. We’re no strangers to Veggie Love here at Laughing Lemon Pie – check...
Gluten-Free Cutie Cake Recipe
I’m on a big anti-food-waste kick lately. I heard a story on NPR recently about food waste that stated that as much of 1/3 of the food in this country goes to waste — and consumers are the biggest problem. Take, for example, the ubiquitous Cuties you can find at the grocery store this time...

Banana Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies (GF, vegan)
Confession: I bought a beautiful bunch of yellow bananas, secretly hoping they’d go brown. You know you have a problem when you pack a banana as a ‘just in case’ snack, while simultaneously knowing full well that it’ll come home uneaten, bruised, and battered. Ah, Perfect! When the brown spots outnumber the yellow you...

Apricot & Carrot Oatmeal Cookies
We all have our own opinions of hidden/hiding vegetables…but we can agree these are just yummy! Whether you advertize the addition of carrot or don’t even mention it, they’re simply scrumptious and a great way to add a fruit and veg to snacktime, breakfast, dessert, whenever.
5 Good Mood Foods
by Sara Sullivan RECHARGE NOW! Every day, millions of Americans complain of being tired & moody. Most of us chalk it up to having too much to do and not enough time to do it. But often the true culprit is an everyday habit: what we eat, which impacts how we cope emotionally. The food-mood...