Spicy Carrot Dressing

Spicy Carrot Dressing

CARROT salad dressing? Vegetables on top of vegetables? How can you beat that? Could this possibly be the world’s most virtuous salad dressing? As if eating a salad weren’t already an act of virtuousness, but then to top your salad with vegetables? Well that puts you on a whole ‘nother plane of righteous eating. Now,...

Lemon Chia Seed Scones

Lemon Chia Seed Scones

I feel so grateful for the cool mornings in Colorado so that despite the summer heat I can still bake (without my whole house feeling like an oven) if I wake up early enough. Temperatures on the front range can easily change 30-40 degrees in a matter of hours – wake up to 50-60...

Book Review: Keepers

Book Review: Keepers

Have you come across Keepers yet?: Keepers: Two Home Cooks Share Their Tried-And-True Weeknight Recipes and the Secrets to Happiness in the Kitchen. It came out last year but…I just now finally got around to putting holds on NPR’s Best-of-2013 book lists. That’s life. What I lack in timeliness I can make up for...

Bright and Fresh Flatbread Salad

Bright and Fresh Flatbread Salad

This is soooo tasty, and was the first meal of my “Foodie Magazine Diet” challenge! The herbs, feta and Peppadew peppers (my FAVORITES) give this salad an amazing, bright flavor, while the crunch of the pita bread and snap peas give it textural interest.  My family gobbled this one up! (Including my toddler, though she...

10 Ideas for 5 pounds of Carrots

10 Ideas for 5 pounds of Carrots

So…somebunny bought too many carrots — 5 pounds of carrots. A classic example of the Costco effect: “Yeah, my family of 3 who kinda a little sometimes like carrots can finish a 5 pound bag, right? Sure! Toss it in the oversized shopping cart!”…Sigh. What to do? Carrots in the morning, carrots in the...

Apricot & Carrot Oatmeal Cookies

Apricot & Carrot Oatmeal Cookies

We all have our own opinions of hidden/hiding vegetables…but we can agree these are just yummy! Whether you advertize the addition of carrot or don’t even mention it, they’re simply scrumptious and a great way to add a fruit and veg to snacktime, breakfast, dessert, whenever.

Winter Doldrums? Peek at this Week’s Menu

You know those weeks when you are adrift in the meal-planning doldrums? When it just seems so far out and unimaginable that people actually make dinner every night? Asking yourself: What do people eat?? Wait, I’m a person, I should know this one… I have those weeks, but thankfully this isn’t one of them!...

Accidental Death by Chocolate Cookies

Accidental Death by Chocolate Cookies

Are you sticking to your New Year, New You resolution? Good for you, we’ll see you next week! Keep on keeping on. …..OK, good, it’s just us now, right? So, if on the other hand you’re ready to say (with me) New Years, Schmoo Years! Resolutions Schmezolutions! You’re in the right place. These cookies...