Over the holidays we had the opportunity to try 6 different organic flavor concentrates made by Nature’s Flavors: Vanilla, Pumpkin Spice, Cranberry, Gingerbread, Peppermint, and Eggnog. These are organic and all natural ingredients used primarily to recreate or amplify flavors in baking, ice cream, and/or coffee drinks. Nature’s Flavors has 335 different organic flavor...
Book Cookin’: Fall 2015 Cookbooks
Well the poor library is wiped out again. If you don’t see any cookbooks on the shelves there, it’s because they’re all at my house – sorry! There are library users, and then there are library abusers – Sometimes I can tread the middle line there, but when it comes to new fall cookbooks...
7 Ideas for Chard
This list just keeps getting longer and longer. It started out with just 4 chard recipes I was in the process of trying, but I’ve found that chard is one of those things where once it’s on your radar you start to see recipes for it everywhere! (I have an inverse and very frustrating...
Sausage and Chard Stuffed Acorn Squash (aka Best Autumn Recipe Ever!)
When I read the Stuffed Winter Squash recipe in The Homemade Kitchen I immediately flagged it. I knew I had sausage in the freezer, acorn squash in the pantry, and access to my neighbor’s garden overflowing with chard. Bingo! In the original recipe, Alana Chernila adds millet or quinoa, and uses cheddar cheese. She...
Confetti Cornbread
Cornbread is my jam. If I had to pick 5 foods and only eat those 5 foods for the rest of my life, cornbread makes the list for sure. So I collect cornbread recipes, seeking the ideal version. And when I see a new cornbread recipe I feel compelled to try it out. Lucky...
How Do You Handle Halloween?
Emily and I take our daughters to the same music class on Thursday afternoons, and a couple of weeks ago, the teacher was encouraging the kids to find all the C notes on the piano keyboard. She passed out five M&Ms to each kid and told them to put a candy on each C...
Makin’ it Meatless: How to Transition to a Meat-Lite Diet
Happy Food Day! Food Day inspires Americans to change our diets and our food policies. Every October 24, thousands of events all around the country bring Americans together to celebrate and enjoy real food and to push for improved food policies. And I’m thrilled to be a part of the Food Day Blogger Takeover — an effort...
2015 Holiday Foodie Challenge
Merry Christmas October! I don’t want to alarm anyone, but as of today, you have about 12 weeks until Christmas. Some of you are probably thinking, “12 weeks? That’s OODLES of time. Why would that alarm anyone?” While others of you are saying “OMG 12 WEEKS WTHECK! WHERE’S MY WRAPPING PAPER?!?!” It’s a personality...
Baking with Better Butter
Have you ever stood in front of the dairy case at the grocery store wondering about those “other” butters – the ones in the gold wrappers, the ones that come in a package half the size but double the price of the butter you’re used to? I know I have! I’ve long wondered what...
Breaking Up With Conventional Laundry
OK…this post is not about food. But life, health, and Laughing Lemon Pie isn’t just about food. Just as we make choices in our purchases at the grocery store, there are so many other home purchases we make and could think critically about. I’ve been working to reduce waste around here and reduce plastic...