Ritual Chocolate

Ritual Chocolate

It thrills me that there are people out there who are experts in chocolate. I suppose you could be an expert in anything.  You could be an expert in Lima beans.  Or in toast.  Or plain white rice. But chocolate is just so much sexier. And since I got a tour of Ritual Chocolate‘s...

Christmas Foodie No. 3: Pie in a Jar

Christmas Foodie No. 3: Pie in a Jar

We’ve all seen those ubiquitous cookie mixes, cake mixes, and brownie mixes layered in jars to give as gifts, but what about pie in a jar? Well, not a whole pie. (Those are super cute, but they also look super labor-intensive.) How about just the pie filling? I was looking for a way to...

Christmas Foodie No. 2: Plum Cardamom Jam

Christmas Foodie No. 2: Plum Cardamom Jam

Before I had ever made plum jam, I thought it was hard.  That was way back when I assumed that if a product was something people routinely bought prepared at the store, it must be hard to do. HA! Then I saw this recipe for raspberry basil jam in an issue of O Magazine. ...

Cinnamon Rolls

While my parents are in town this weekend, I’m making these cinnamon rolls, which I first made two years ago.  Enjoy!   I have been craving cinnamon rolls for about a week. I blame the Pioneer Woman. But, after everything I’ve been doing lately to eat better and after attending the Green Festival in...

Christmas Foodie No. 1: Pepper-Infused Vodka

Christmas Foodie No. 1: Pepper-Infused Vodka

Christmas is only 12 weeks away. Depending on your personality, that either made you say, “Yeah, and?” or made you faint from the sudden onset of holiday stress. Personally, I fall somewhere in between. Since marrying my awesome husband who has the “save money” gene (which I might have, but it’s dormant and recessive...

Roast Beets Recipe from Cafe Aion

Roast Beets Recipe from Cafe Aion

My husband and I had Cafe Aion’s roast beets recipe on our first trip to the restaurant, and they impressed me both with the richness and simplicity of the flavors.  I didn’t really know I even liked beets until this past year, but it turns out I only disliked the mushy canned nonsense that...

Feral Cherry Pie

Feral Cherry Pie

I knew that Butterpowered Bike and I would be friends when she showed me where she’d found cherry trees for foraging. I mean, that’s friendship, right there. But I knew we were really truly foodie buddies when she helped me pick—and then let me take ALL—the cherries because I told her I wanted to...

Foraging: Stuffed Yucca Blossom Recipe

Foraging: Stuffed Yucca Blossom Recipe

There’s something so poetic about eating flowers, as in this easy yucca blossom recipe.  Butterpowered Bike mentioned fairies when we were collecting elderflowers on our foraging jaunt, and I couldn’t get the image out of my head.  Tiny, dainty fairies dining on delicate white flowers. Yucca flowers are not quite so tiny, but you...

Foraging Adventures

Have you ever met someone and just clicked? That’s what happened when I met Butterpowered Bike of the blog Hunger and Thirst for Life at a foodie event recently.  She was talking about making wild garlic pickles, I was offering bundles of herbs from my garden.  It was foodie love at first bite… er,...

One-Bowl Blueberry Cake

Our Safeway had blueberries on sale this week, two pounds for $3, so I had to stock up! I have to say, I love blueberries, and I’m a little jealous of my sister in Mississippi and my friend in Illinois who can go pick their own at local farms. No blueberries here, but I...