For years, I thought restriction was the answer. I couldn’t be trusted around food. I was afraid that, given the opportunity, I would eat myself into oblivion. Or, at least into obesity. Cookies were the enemy (especially chocolate chip cookies — especially my homemade chocolate chip cookies). Desserts of all kinds were verboten. And don’t get...

This Week in Eats
It’s been a good week. In fact, an amazing week. Of eats. Good eats, that is! Amazing enough to make me think I might be a kitchen manic-depressive. I’d been in a months-long slump and then WHAM! suddenly I was on fire and motivated (obsessed?) again. In the space of one week I cooked...

In Store Cooking Events at Whole Foods Bradburn!
Yes, you read that right! Your Laughing Lemon Ladies will be live and in-store, cooking locally grown and raised products at the Whole Foods Market in Bradburn (Westminster, just a hair east of 120th & Sheridan) this summer. We’ve enjoyed a great partnership with the new store, going on a tour in December and...

60 Fruit Dessert Recipes
There is still a LOT of snow on the ground here in Colorado, but I’m dreaming of peaches. Plums. Strawberries picked from the field. Tart red cherries and rhubarb. Basically, summer. In service of my everlasting goal to make eating healthier a little easier, I thought I’d round up a list of recipes that...

Stay In this Valentine’s Day: Fondue Family Fun
For option two in our Stay In This Valentine’s Day series, we wanted to put something together that the whole family can enjoy! For some of us, the ones we love extend beyond our partner — and it just might not seem right (or feasible!) not to include them in the Valentine’s Day love...

Healthy Laughing Lemon Pie with NestFresh Eggs & Wholly Wholesome Crust
When I recently got the opportunity to review NestFresh eggs and Wholly Wholesome pie crusts at around the same time, I knew exactly what I wanted to make: Laughing Lemon Pie. But, being January and all, I am one of those trying to eat a bit healthier to balance out all those December indulgences. So...
Gluten-Free Cutie Cake Recipe
I’m on a big anti-food-waste kick lately. I heard a story on NPR recently about food waste that stated that as much of 1/3 of the food in this country goes to waste — and consumers are the biggest problem. Take, for example, the ubiquitous Cuties you can find at the grocery store this time...

Our Quest for the Best Chocolate Cake Recipe
It started with my impending birthday, and the desire to make a chocolate cake for myself. Simple, right? But how do you decide which chocolate cake recipe to make when you have amassed a collection of 67 chocolate cake recipes? Uh…not so simple. And so the quest for the best chocolate cake recipe evolved...
Boozy Desserts in Denver (and at Home!)
There’s just something about summer that makes boozy desserts sound awesome—or is that just me? Sangria, popsicles, trifle with a splash of cointreau… Let’s face it: alcohol and desserts go together like watermelon and summertime! If you want to get really creative, check out what these local places are cooking up for the dessert/drinks course!

Banana Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies (GF, vegan)
Confession: I bought a beautiful bunch of yellow bananas, secretly hoping they’d go brown. You know you have a problem when you pack a banana as a ‘just in case’ snack, while simultaneously knowing full well that it’ll come home uneaten, bruised, and battered. Ah, Perfect! When the brown spots outnumber the yellow you...