What’s the Difference Between White Sugar and Raw Sugar?

What’s the Difference Between White Sugar and Raw Sugar?

I’ve been reading “What Einstein Told His Cook: Kitchen Science Explained,” and I just learned that the only difference between white sugar, brown sugar, and raw or turbinado sugar is how much of the molasses is removed. Nutritionally, the raw and brown sugar (with more molasses left on) has a slightly higher mineral content, but not really enough to make a difference in your diet (unless you’re eating, like, NOTHING BUT sugar).

The only way that white sugar is more “processed” than raw sugar is that it has been washed and boiled more. It has the same sucrose content.

I’m not saying that white sugar is good for you, I’m just saying there’s less of a difference than I thought. And, also, if you’re swapping raw sugar for white on a clean eating diet… well, there’s not a whole lot of point.

And, just to clarify, I’m not knocking clean eating! I think it’s a good plan. I’m just saying that raw sugar isn’t really much different from white sugar.

I recently wrote an article for Organic Authority about the more than 50 different names sugar can go by on ingredients lists. Too much added sugar is bad for you. And, unfortunately, switching to raw sugar isn’t going to solve the problem.

Does this knowledge change the way you think about sugar at all? Have you given up sugar in any way?

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