My brand new ebook, “Meal Planning for Real People on Real Budgets,” comes with a really neat meal planning worksheet that I designed in Excel. I couldn’t find a meal planning template that did everything I wanted it to do, so I made my own! And now, I’m offering it as a free bonus with...
Meal Planning on a Budget: New Ebook!
I’m thrilled to announce the release of my brand new ebook: “Meal Planning for Real People on Real Budgets.” Remember back a few weeks ago when I asked you guys what projects I should work on next? Well, the overwhelming response was that you wanted an ebook on meal planning—for everyone (even busy people!)...
Guest Post on Don’t Panic Mom
Guess what! I’m going to be part of a cool series on Don’t Panic Mom called “Sell Us Veggies!” Allie at Don’t Panic Mom realized that a lot of people don’t eat more fresh veggies because they just plain don’t know what to do with them. So she enlisted some bloggers—including yours truly!—to “sell”...
Pumpkin Mini Muffins
I saw a recipe in the coupon section this weekend for “3 for 100” mini pumpkin muffins from Libby canned pumpkin and decided to whip them up this morning—making them my own, of course. I used egg whites instead of whole eggs and plain rolled oats on top instead of granola, as was called...
Budget Organic Meal Plan No. 2: Slow Cooker Pork
If you haven’t been convinced that conventional, factory farm-raised pork is bad, all you have to do is read this article from PETA (or google around for yourself). I knew about grass-fed beef and pasture-raised chickens, but I wasn’t educated about pork until recently, but now I know I have to commit to buying...
Vietnamese-Inspired Lettuce Wraps
These Vietnamese-Inspired flavors are so good together! Serve with rice, rice noodles, or alone.
Easiest Slow Cooker Pork
This pork roast absolutely melts in your mouth and is the perfect start for a range of dishes. Cook once and get two or three very different meals from this dish.
77 Ways to Eat Veggies for Breakfast
If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you know my feelings about veggies and how you should eat them at every meal of the day. But, like most Americans I expect, I have trouble fitting them in at breakfast. I want to, but a bowl of cereal or slice of toast is...
Vegan Ginger Pear Muffins
Things have been a bit topsy-turvy at our house since the holidays. My daughter picked up a few bad habits when we were traveling and right after—it’s rough when your routines are all a jumble and it’s easy to relax the rules a bit. She’s been munching a lot more between meals, demanding snacks...
Don’t Dis the Day-Olds
I was at the grocery store yesterday, and I passed the marked down “manager’s specials” section twice before I went in. Why? Because there was someone else shopping in the little alcove where they’re kept. I could chalk it up to the fact that the alcove is legitimately small, and it’s tough to get...