I got an email from a friend and reader recently. She’d seen a blog post on another site that asked “How many nights a week do your kids eat the same things as you do?” All of the comments were along the lines of “7 days a week”, “I’m not a short-order cook.” She...

84 Healthy Snack Ideas
Snacking is a big part of any healthy eating plan, but it can be fraught with problems. First of all, if you rely on store-bought, pre-packaged snacks, you’re going to be spending an arm and a leg—especially if they’re organic. But if you’re making your own snacks, it’s easy to fall into a rut. So I’ve...

101 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Eat Healthy—on the Cheap
Happy new year! I absolutely *love* any excuse for a new beginning, and New Year’s Day is kind of a big one. I gave up making traditional resolutions a while ago in favor of taking small steps all the time to reach bigger goals. So I sat down and brainstormed all the little changes...
How to Make Real Changes in Your Life
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? I used to, because believe me, I love new beginnings. Heck, even the first of the month is a good excuse for me to lay down a few new resolutions. But I discovered that resolutions don’t last. You’ve probably found this, too. They’re too nebulous, too fleeting, too...
More Colors = Better Nutrition
A great reminder that eating lots of different kinds of foods makes for the best nutrition. It’s not enough to say you’re eating fruits and vegetables when all you eat are apples, bananas, tomatoes, and potatoes. 🙂 We’ve got to eat a wide variety of foods to get the best possible nutrition. I’m so...
Do You Hide Veggies From Your Kids?
I just saw this Chef Boyardee commercial, and it really ticked me off. It made me really consider the practice that some parents feel they have to resort to of hiding veggies from their kids. Is it OK to hide vegetables in other foods to get your kids to eat them? It’s not...
The Meat Sheet {Free Download!}
Oh my friends, my friends. Have I got an awesome freebie for you today! It’s part tip, part technique, part resource, all rolled up into one! It’s: The Meat Sheet. (Click here to download the PDF.) Just in time for Father’s Day (cos we all know the Dads tend to like their meat) and...

Local Recipe: North Denver Sausage Company and Seafood Sausage Paella
I don’t think the word “salumi” entered my vocabulary until a couple of years ago, but when it did—hoooo, boy! Suddenly, cured meats are everywhere, on restaurant menus, on pizzas and sandwiches, as the backbone of my favorite gourmet market in Boulder. Heck, I even know a nice young couple in Lyons who cure...