I’ve been thinking a lot about clutter and white space lately (physical, mental, and time-based) and what’s really necessary in our lives. Sometimes it feels like a fight against mainstream culture not to buy into consumerism, ultra-connectedness, keeping up with the Joneses. I remember as a teenager, working at Crate & Barrel, brides registering...

Christmas Foodie No. 14: Vegan Thumbprint Cookie Mix
A Christmas Foodie idea for the vegan in your life! Vegan Thumbprint Cookie mix in a jar, our Laughing Lemon Pie Christmas Foodie No. 14. This fantastic recipe was graciously given to LLP at our tour of the new Whole Foods Bradburn in Westminster (full-sized (ie readable) recipe image at bottom of post). I...

Laughing Lemon Field Trip: New Whole Foods Bradburn
The Laughing Lemon team was recently invited to check out the newest Whole Foods in our area – Bradburn! It’s in Westminster – 120th between Sheridan & Federal. Lots to love there. First off, it is big! I’m talking 35,000 square feet big. It features a special and specialty cheese counter, sushi made fresh...

Banana Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies (GF, vegan)
Confession: I bought a beautiful bunch of yellow bananas, secretly hoping they’d go brown. You know you have a problem when you pack a banana as a ‘just in case’ snack, while simultaneously knowing full well that it’ll come home uneaten, bruised, and battered. Ah, Perfect! When the brown spots outnumber the yellow you...

Apricot & Carrot Oatmeal Cookies
We all have our own opinions of hidden/hiding vegetables…but we can agree these are just yummy! Whether you advertize the addition of carrot or don’t even mention it, they’re simply scrumptious and a great way to add a fruit and veg to snacktime, breakfast, dessert, whenever.

Accidental Death by Chocolate Cookies
Are you sticking to your New Year, New You resolution? Good for you, we’ll see you next week! Keep on keeping on. …..OK, good, it’s just us now, right? So, if on the other hand you’re ready to say (with me) New Years, Schmoo Years! Resolutions Schmezolutions! You’re in the right place. These cookies...

Low-Fat Peanut Butter Cookies
So, remember these low-fat chocolate cookies I posted a while back? I’m kind of obsessed with them. (And I’m not the only one.) So, I decided to see if I could make other flavors with the same basic idea—using low-fat yogurt as a base. Guess what? You can. 😀

Low-Fat Chocolate Cookies
Uh, yeah. You read that right: Low-Fat Chocolate Cookies But nobody has to know they’re low fat. They’re THAT GOOD.

Recipe: Whoopie Chais (or Chai Whoopie Pies)
When I was making tandoori-style chicken sandwiches the other night, I kept thinking it would be nice to have some chai cookies to go along with it. I had just been over to Rebecca Johnson’s house for a tea party—a chai tea party, because she is the founder of Chaibecca, a boutique chai company...

Gluten-Free, Vegan Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookie Dough—For One
{UPDATE!} I’ve made a gluten-free, vegan version of these. And lo, it is awesome. SEE BELOW! Oh my lord. I can’t believe I’m going to put this out on the internet for anyone to see. Have you ever thought to yourself, “I should make some cookies…” purely because you want to eat some cookie...