Freezing Avocados…Whole!

Freezing Avocados…Whole!

Didja know you can freeze avocados? I garnered that tidbit many moons ago from Martha Stewart. Avocados have such a high fat content so, like butter, they freeze superbly. Now, she and everyone else on the internet suggest freezing them in bags without the skin or pit – either halved or pureed/smushed like for...

Breaking Up With Conventional Food

Breaking Up With Conventional Food

You’re standing in the grocery store yet again. You’re in the fruit and veggie section, which is a huge improvement from hanging around the middle of the store with boxes of items resembling food like you used to. You mark that down as a win. But your palms are sweaty and as your eyes...

Healthy and Organic Living in times of Transition and Tight Purses

Healthy and Organic Living in times of Transition and Tight Purses

by Lauren Raso I recently relocated to London with my partner, from Melbourne Australia. Along with adjusting to the grey skies and early darkness (4:30pm really?!?), I have also been adjusting to London eating and living! As a physiologist, nutritionist and wellbeing consultant, organic and healthy eating and living are both my passion and my career. Back...

Is Buying Organic Worth the Cost? {Discuss}

Over at ProBlogger they’ve been putting up some group writing projects recently (prompts and the like) and this week’s suggestion was to write a discussion post. So I though I’d open it up here and see what you think: Is buying organic worth the cost? If your family’s budget were drastically cut, would you...