Who Made Your Food?

Do you know who made your food? If you shop at a farmer’s market you probably do.  But if you, like most of us, buy even a few products from your regular neighborhood grocery store, the answer may surprise you. Statistically, the average grocery store has more than 38,000 items on their shelves.  And,...

Today’s Kitchen: Chip Bunburgers

Today’s Kitchen: Chip Bunburgers

Today’s Kitchen is a series of posts documenting my adventures cooking through the recipes from my grandmother’s 1950′s-era cooking show of the same name. These are genuine retro recipes, updated (as needed) for a modern table. Chip Bunburgers. Isn’t that just the best name ever?? I mean, it conjures up all kinds of images...

Mushroom Hunting in the Rain

Mushroom Hunting in the Rain

It had been raining on and off for about two days.  Baby and I hadn’t been able to get out of the house much, and it was starting to show. I found an excuse for us to go out via a trip to the library and the bank.  The library didn’t have what I...

Hangout With Me on Google+!

Everybody!  I’m doing my first-ever Hangout over on Google+ today at 12MST.  Come find me and drop me a comment for an invite!  I’ll be making a gorgeous Thai pork salad that is perfect for warmer weather.

DIY… Or not

DIY… Or not

I’m going to make a confession here: I don’t think I’m ever going to make my own yogurt unless the zombie apocalypse comes and I can no longer buy my favorite Greek yogurt at the store. My husband is a scientist, and his courses on immunology, parasitology, and microbiology in school turned him into...

Low-Sugar Carrot Cupcakes

Low-Sugar Carrot Cupcakes

I wanted my little one to have the joy of a birthday cupcake—without the sugar crash. So I concocted these low-sugar carrot cake cupcakes for her first birthday party from a muffin recipe. They were a big hit with little people and big people alike!