Every year for several years now, I’ve returned to Danielle LaPorte’s The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul to identify what she calls your “core desired feelings” for the year. Basically, the idea is that rather than starting with a goal like, “lose weight” or “save money,” instead you start with how...

Shrimp and Fava Beans A Four-Course Meal in 30 Minutes or Less: {Secrets of Easy Elegance}
I’m striving for more peace and elegance in my life. And there are days when I have the time to craft an incredible meal that takes hours to prepare, when I’ve carefully selected each ingredient by hand with purpose, when I revel in the chopping and stirring as a meditative practice, when I sit...
My Chic Habits
What does it mean to live well? Stylishly? Chic? I assume the answer is different for everyone, but I have a few opinions for myself, and recently, I’ve been trying to cultivate them a bit more. First, I participated in a free online “challenge” that was all about living your best life. The challenges...

Entertaining, Colorado Style: Book Review, A Well-Seasoned Kitchen
A Well-Seasoned Kitchen: Classic Recipes for Contemporary Living is a lovely Colorado-centric cookbook, unique in many ways. The recipes are from the Clayton family files, written and shared by a mother-daughter team after decades of making them for friends and family. Unfortunately, the matriarch, Sally Clayton, passed away before the book was published. Denver-native...

Getting Back to Basics {and This Week’s Menu}
Ugh. My life lesson of the week: it’s hard to feel elegant with a head cold. (Also, I am constantly amazed by the human body’s ability to produce such QUANTITIES of mucus. But you didn’t come here to read about mucus. Sorry.) I’ve been working towards my core desired feelings (balance, elegance, and abundance,...

Stop Postponing Your Life
Happy New Year! I did a cool thing today. I fulfilled a dream I’ve had for—oh, at least five years now. Maybe longer.