I had come across Whole30 a while back and dismissed it out of hand as being one of those crazy radical extreme diets I always swore I’d never do. In late July, I saw a fashion blogger I follow, Wardrobe Oxygen, was doing it, and I was intrigued again. I went to the Whole30 site...
Foodie Magazine “Diet” Challenge — Week 1 Recap
So let’s just cut right to the chase here, shall we? That’s a screen-grab from my Weight Watchers tracker showing my weight loss for week 1 of my Foodie Magazine “Diet” Challenge! (If you missed what we’re talking about, check out the original Foodie Magazine “Diet” post here.)
Getting Started with the Foodie Magazine “Diet” Challenge
There’s one very important component to success on the Foodie Magazine “Diet” Challenge: planning. What I discovered as a restaurant reviewer trying to lose weight with Weight Watchers is that you can eat anything you want—so long as you plan ahead for it.
The Foodie Magazine “Diet” Challenge
I had a crazy thought today, and I think I’m going to try to run with it. (Because crazy thoughts are USUALLY the best.) You see, winter wasn’t kind to my waistline, and I need to get back into the swing of paying attention to what I eat. (Anybody else feel me there??)...
Eating for Health and Pleasure: The Pleasure Diet
I have a big problem whenever I’m faced with the idea of going on a “diet:” I’m just not willing to give up entire food groups. For a long time, I thought this was a flaw in my personality. I thought that I just didn’t have the willpower to want to give up brownies, or...
Exactly How I Used Apps (+Other Tech Tools) To Change How I Eat Forever
by Maya Gaddie This is a guest post from Maya Gaddie, the creator of This is How You Tech and a vegan foodie, who loves making busy lives easier. She helps you open your mind, own your value and take action. In this post, she gives you the low down on exactly how she...
Meal Plan to Lose Weight
Meal planning for weight loss is not much different from regular meal planning—whether you’re counting calories, fat, points, or something else entirely, it’s just one more small thing to keep in mind. You might change where you look for your recipes or which recipes you choose, but otherwise, the process is much the same....
4 Tips for Living and Loving the Mediterranean Diet
A couple of new studies have come out recently that have only reinforced the value of the Mediterranean Diet—a diet that focuses on whole, unprocessed foods like fish, grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats from sources like olive oil and nuts, but low in dairy products, red meat, and processed foods. A new...
Reaching Goal
I’ve talked about my weight loss journey on this blog before, and today, I’m thrilled to tell you that I have reached my weight loss goal!
84 Healthy Snack Ideas
Snacking is a big part of any healthy eating plan, but it can be fraught with problems. First of all, if you rely on store-bought, pre-packaged snacks, you’re going to be spending an arm and a leg—especially if they’re organic. But if you’re making your own snacks, it’s easy to fall into a rut. So I’ve...