Have you ever stood in front of the dairy case at the grocery store wondering about those “other” butters – the ones in the gold wrappers, the ones that come in a package half the size but double the price of the butter you’re used to? I know I have! I’ve long wondered what...
Rum Currant Scones with Rummy Icing
This is an alternative to Rum Raisin Scones. For me personally, raisins are too big and squishy for baked goods. I liked this currant version of the Rum Raisin idea best – the currants didn’t absorb as much rum so the scones were merely suggestive of rum in a very pleasant way. Plus the...
Rum Raisin Scones
Read all the details and background of the Rum Scone saga here. Or cut to the chase and see the recipe below 😉 I originally tried this recipe with vanilla and using a new vanilla technique but found that the rum flavor overpowered the vanilla seeds and so it wasn’t a worthwhile use of...
Boozy Scones!
Sometimes a great idea hits and you just have to run with it. [Cue the unused bottle of rum hanging out in a cupboard and the rapidly desiccating currants and raisins in the pantry.] Yep – that’s right: Scones + booze. Specifically, Rum Raisin Scones. To be thorough, I tried two batches – one...
The GBBO-Sized Hole in My Life
Sniff sniff. Do you ever get that vacuum feeling of total emptiness when you’ve finished a great book or a great TV series/season? The Wire. Waaahhh. House of Cards. Nooooo. Homeland. Oooo, eeee, aaarrrggghhh, aaahhhhh (that’s the sound of me staggering around alternately clutching my chest and tearing out my hair, shaking my fists...
Orange Carrot Cream Scones
Cream scones are my new go-to. I’m over cutting butter into flour (at least for now). Doubly orange Orange Carrot Cream Scones (dream scones?) are one more excellent way to get more vegetables onto your breakfast table. Cream scones are so simple and delightful. The only forethought they require is having cream on hand....
Great British Tea Time Scone (translated for American bakers)
The Great British Baking Show aired on PBS (via BBC) this winter and alas, is now a thing of the past. Those Brits did leave us with a trove of great recipes though – Including the Tea Time Scone, 1 of 3 classics featured for the technical challenge in the finale show. Day after...
Lemon Chia Seed Scones
I feel so grateful for the cool mornings in Colorado so that despite the summer heat I can still bake (without my whole house feeling like an oven) if I wake up early enough. Temperatures on the front range can easily change 30-40 degrees in a matter of hours – wake up to 50-60...