This easy paella recipe is from the book, 400 Calorie Fix by Liz Vaccariello (I believe it is out of print, but you can find used copies at that link.) Since it is a diet book, it uses a small amount turkey kielbasa for flavor. If you’re not concerned about calories, you can sub regular...
The Myth of the Perfect Mother
Happy Mother’s Day to those who celebrate! I say that because while I have a great mom and am blessed to be a mom, there are those who don’t have great associations with this day. I know many women whose relationship with their mothers is tenuous at best. Many women who have lost their...

In Store Cooking Events at Whole Foods Bradburn!
Yes, you read that right! Your Laughing Lemon Ladies will be live and in-store, cooking locally grown and raised products at the Whole Foods Market in Bradburn (Westminster, just a hair east of 120th & Sheridan) this summer. We’ve enjoyed a great partnership with the new store, going on a tour in December and...

Entertaining, Colorado Style: Book Review, A Well-Seasoned Kitchen
A Well-Seasoned Kitchen: Classic Recipes for Contemporary Living is a lovely Colorado-centric cookbook, unique in many ways. The recipes are from the Clayton family files, written and shared by a mother-daughter team after decades of making them for friends and family. Unfortunately, the matriarch, Sally Clayton, passed away before the book was published. Denver-native...

Laughing Lemon Field Trip: New Whole Foods Bradburn
The Laughing Lemon team was recently invited to check out the newest Whole Foods in our area – Bradburn! It’s in Westminster – 120th between Sheridan & Federal. Lots to love there. First off, it is big! I’m talking 35,000 square feet big. It features a special and specialty cheese counter, sushi made fresh...

Restaurant Report: Tocabe
My first semester at The College of Santa Fe (now the Santa Fe University of Art and Design), the school offered day trips you could sign up for that cost nothing or just a few bucks, and as a lonely freshman with few friends and no car, I was one of the first to...

Restaurant Report: Kokopelli Beer Company
When a new restaurant/brewery opened up this close to my house (under 5 miles!), you know I couldn’t wait to try it out. It’s in an unassuming little strip mall, but don’t let that put you off. Friendly atmosphere, good beer and pretty good pizza make this a fun hangout. I’ll definitely be back to...
Boozy Desserts in Denver (and at Home!)
There’s just something about summer that makes boozy desserts sound awesome—or is that just me? Sangria, popsicles, trifle with a splash of cointreau… Let’s face it: alcohol and desserts go together like watermelon and summertime! If you want to get really creative, check out what these local places are cooking up for the dessert/drinks course!

Restaurant Report: 5280 Burger Bar & Creamery
I love the trend lately of high end burger joints. The Denver area has its fair share of really great fast-casual burger places—Larkburger and Smashburger come to mind—where you can get a better burger (made from better ingredients) than you could ever dream of at a fast food place. And I am all over...

Hangin’ With The Better Show at Taste of Colorado!
My, oh my! It was a HOT Labor Day weekend here in Colorado, but that didn’t stop me and a bunch of other crazy people from heading downtown to Civic Center Park for the annual A Taste of Colorado festival. I was actually invited to attend by The Better Show, which is traveling around...