{A quick note: I’m changing the name of this series from “A Year of Sustainable Eating” to “A Year of Eating Organic on a Budget”—because, they’re really the same thing! And I think the new name is truer to what I’m trying to do.} Have you checked the price of BPA-free, organic canned beans...
Rocky Mountain Popcorn GIVEAWAY!
Guys, how lucky are we? Let’s all take a moment and thank our lucky stars that Rocky Mountain Popcorn company thinks that YOU GUYS are cool—cool enough that they want me to give away one of their neat Holiday NottaTins of popcorn to one of you guys! That’s pretty cool. What’s a NottaTin, you...
Making Ho Hos at Home
With Hostess shutting its doors this month, a plethora of DIY recipes for people’s favorite Hostess treats have popped up across the web (here’s a great roundup if you’re looking for your favorite). A while back, I actually made some ho hos at home for an article for Yellow Scene magazine, along with homemade...
My 200th Post! Review of One Hot Mama and GIVEAWAY!
Guess what, you guys! It’s my 200th post! And I’ve got a gift for YOU! I’m giving away a copy of One Hot Mama: The Guide to Getting Your Mind and Body Back After Baby by fellow mama-preneur, Erin Cox. Erin and I met online in a group for likeminded ladies who also happen...
Self-Doubt and Healthy Eating Fatigue
I’ve fallen out of the good blogging habits I had, posting here twice a week, sharing good stuff, and it took me until just this very moment to realize why: I’m feeling a little burned out.
An Organized Holiday—Free Holiday Planners
So, I kind of forgot that Thanksgiving is next week. Oops? In my defense, I was traveling last week, visiting my sister and her family and newborn, taking my 18-month-old on a plane and two 6+-hour car trips. It was a busy time, OK? Plus, it’s just us this year. We’re not traveling to...
Gratitude Sunday
I haven’t done a gratitude post in a little while, but it feels important this week. For those of you who don’t live in Colorado, we’ve all been involved this past week in the story of a little girl who was abducted and brutally murdered in my town, just a few miles from my home....
Aha Moments
Last week I had the wonderful opportunity of attending a conference on being a “solopreneur” with the inimitable business coach, Tommi Wolfe. It was a very eye-opening three days for me—not least because three days away from home and away from my daughter is not something I do very often! And while I was...
7 Ways to Fight Off a Cold
Well, I missed my regular Monday post over here because on Sunday night my little one woke up with a fever and a very stuffy nose. We spent most of the day yesterday on the sofa, trying to rest (in between me jumping up to cook chicken stock!) and trying to build up our...
The Miracle of Trust
The day I found out I was pregnant, my husband and I went to the library, where I pulled out a copy of “What to Expect When You’re Expecting,” and promptly began to cry, right there in the nonfiction section. Stretching? Tearing? Transition? It was all way too much for this brand-new mommy-to-be to...