One of the coolest features of the meal planning worksheet that comes FREE as a bonus with my new meal planning ebook is that you can create lists of your favorite recipes within the document, and then select them from a simple drop down list. Honestly, it couldn’t be any easier than that! This...
How to use the Meal Planning Worksheet
My brand new ebook, “Meal Planning for Real People on Real Budgets,” comes with a really neat meal planning worksheet that I designed in Excel. I couldn’t find a meal planning template that did everything I wanted it to do, so I made my own! And now, I’m offering it as a free bonus with...
Guest Post on Don’t Panic Mom
Guess what! I’m going to be part of a cool series on Don’t Panic Mom called “Sell Us Veggies!” Allie at Don’t Panic Mom realized that a lot of people don’t eat more fresh veggies because they just plain don’t know what to do with them. So she enlisted some bloggers—including yours truly!—to “sell”...

Pumpkin Mini Muffins
I saw a recipe in the coupon section this weekend for “3 for 100” mini pumpkin muffins from Libby canned pumpkin and decided to whip them up this morning—making them my own, of course. I used egg whites instead of whole eggs and plain rolled oats on top instead of granola, as was called...
Gratitude Wednesday
Just a quick note to say that I’m taking a week or so to recover from travel, the resulting colds, and to focus on my dad, who is in the hospital and very, very sick. Thanks for understanding, and I’ll see you soon with TONS of new and awesome stuff! (Also, apologies if you got a...
Gratitude Fridays
Grateful for my family, especially my nephew, who is winning his fight against cancer, and my grandparents, who are amazing. Grateful for safe travels. Grateful for the incredible abundance we enjoy—and grateful for the perspective to recognize it as such. Grateful for the Internet that lets me work from anywhere, at any time. Grateful...
Favorite Photos from 2012
Just a few of my favorite photos from the past year. Enjoy your holiday week!

The Bo Ssam Solstice Miracle
Last night we celebrated the solstice since we will be visiting family on Christmas day, and wanted to have our own little celebration. I invited a friend and scoured the Internet for winter solstice recipes—of which there are not many! Mostly I came across general ideas and suggestions: black eyed peas (which I HATE)...
How to Make Real Changes in Your Life
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? I used to, because believe me, I love new beginnings. Heck, even the first of the month is a good excuse for me to lay down a few new resolutions. But I discovered that resolutions don’t last. You’ve probably found this, too. They’re too nebulous, too fleeting, too...
What is your biggest challenge with meal planning?
So, a few weeks ago, I asked if you’d be willing to fill out a short survey to help me decide what to work on next—and nearly a hundred of you obliged! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it, too, because you made it very clear what I should (and shouldn’t) be...