Here are the winners of the Brown Cow Yogurt giveaway:
Congrats to Ttrockwood and Christine!
I’ll be emailing you so that you can claim your prize! Thanks so much to everyone who participated and to Brown Cow for providing the yogurt for all of us.
This week I’m grateful for all the opportunities I have to spend quality time with my daughter. We don’t have a ton of money right now, and I’ve privately lamented the fact that I can’t sign us up for baby swimming lessons or mommy and me music lessons or whatever. But just by keeping my eyes and ears and mind open, we’ve been finding lots of fun things to do lately—for free. We got a free punch-pass to a local rec center, so we’ve been exploring the pool and other options there; a friend invited us to go to the zoo today on her membership pass; we’ve discovered free indoor playgrounds, story time, and parks we can go to. It just takes a little exploring and creativity.
I’m also grateful that the “BODYPUMP” class I explored yesterday didn’t actually kill me.
What are you grateful for this week?
I’m grateful for Laughing Lemon Pie and the bright joy it generates!