I got an email from a friend and reader recently. She’d seen a blog post on another site that asked “How many nights a week do your kids eat the same things as you do?” All of the comments were along the lines of “7 days a week”, “I’m not a short-order cook.” She...
Healthy Eating Strategies for Families: Part 1
Today, I’ve got part one of my Healthy Eating for Families talk video! I gave this talk for the Rocky Mountain Parents As Teachers group, and it was a ton of fun. I covered three simple strategies for getting your families to eat healthier, and this video covers the first strategy: eat real food....

Free Toddler Activity Calendar for October
Oh man. Am I becoming one of those moms? I don’t even know what that means any more, really, but before I had kids, I would look at those moms who planned activities for their kids every day of the week, who did art projects, who made everything educational and I would scoff. Maybe not out loud....

6 Lies Mommies Tell
It’s one of the most important lessons we all try to teach our children: don’t lie. Yet, as mommies (and probably daddies too, though I don’t have any firsthand experience!) we are guilty of lying all the time. Oh, maybe you make a point not to lie to your spouse or your kids. Maybe...

4 Ideas to Make Family Dinners Special
Family dinner was a big deal in my family when I was growing up. No matter how busy we all were, no matter what else was going on in our lives, whoever was home sat down and ate together for dinner. Even when my mother was on the road as a sales rep, my...
Do You Hide Veggies From Your Kids?
I just saw this Chef Boyardee commercial, and it really ticked me off. It made me really consider the practice that some parents feel they have to resort to of hiding veggies from their kids. Is it OK to hide vegetables in other foods to get your kids to eat them? It’s not...

4 Tips for Creating Balance as a Work-From-Home Mom
A former coworker sent me a message on Facebook recently, saying that she’d heard from a mutual friend that I “had it all together” when it came to finding a work/life balance as a work-from-home mom, and she wanted to chat about how I do it. I nearly spit my coffee out all over...