I got an email from a friend and reader recently. She’d seen a blog post on another site that asked “How many nights a week do your kids eat the same things as you do?” All of the comments were along the lines of “7 days a week”, “I’m not a short-order cook.” She...

Meal Planning on a Budget: New Ebook!
I’m thrilled to announce the release of my brand new ebook: “Meal Planning for Real People on Real Budgets.” Remember back a few weeks ago when I asked you guys what projects I should work on next? Well, the overwhelming response was that you wanted an ebook on meal planning—for everyone (even busy people!)...

4 Ideas to Make Family Dinners Special
Family dinner was a big deal in my family when I was growing up. No matter how busy we all were, no matter what else was going on in our lives, whoever was home sat down and ate together for dinner. Even when my mother was on the road as a sales rep, my...