Summer is the peak season for fresh, local produce: peaches, cherries, plums, corn and more! Eating local this time of year is easy and tasty – and it will also help your community and the environment. Whole Foods Market is really promoting its commitment to supporting local producers this summer, and sent these benefits of...

Pick Your Own {Budget Organic No. 10}
Today here in Colorado, the temperature is forecasted to go from around 80 degrees at mid-day to the mid-30s tonight. Fall is here, and people around my area have been frantically trying to get ready. My friend Butter (of Hunger and Thirst for Life) spent the last two days foraging like a madwoman before...

4 Ways to Save on Local Foods {Budget Organic No. 5}
Last week, I wrote an exposé of the real cost of buying local food—and it was unfortunately WAY more than my family can afford. I would hazard to say it’s more than most average American families can afford. But I still believe in the importance of supporting my local foodshed. The cost of buying...