You know those weeks when you are adrift in the meal-planning doldrums? When it just seems so far out and unimaginable that people actually make dinner every night? Asking yourself: What do people eat?? Wait, I’m a person, I should know this one… I have those weeks, but thankfully this isn’t one of them!...

Getting Back to Basics {and This Week’s Menu}
Ugh. My life lesson of the week: it’s hard to feel elegant with a head cold. (Also, I am constantly amazed by the human body’s ability to produce such QUANTITIES of mucus. But you didn’t come here to read about mucus. Sorry.) I’ve been working towards my core desired feelings (balance, elegance, and abundance,...
Meal Plan to Lose Weight
Meal planning for weight loss is not much different from regular meal planning—whether you’re counting calories, fat, points, or something else entirely, it’s just one more small thing to keep in mind. You might change where you look for your recipes or which recipes you choose, but otherwise, the process is much the same....

How to Meal Plan to Use Up Leftovers
A couple of weeks ago, I posted the latest in my meal planning series of budget-friendly organic meal plans, and a lot of the comments I received had to do with the fact that people LOVED that you used up what you bought for meal No. 1 in meals No. 2, 3, 4, etc....

Budget Organic Meal Plan No. 5: Meat Lite
Most of my previous meal plan suggestions have started with a “Sunday” roast and then stretched the meat and other leftovers over the rest of the week. This one is a little different, in that it’s pretty meat-lite, and doesn’t start with a roast at all! In fact, this menu is extremely hot-weather friendly;...

Budget Organic Meal Plan No. 4: Corned Beef
So, if you’re like many people, you may have cooked corned beef for St. Patrick’s day. And, like many people, you may have some leftovers. This meal plan starts with a traditional meal of corned beef, cabbage, and carrots (with mashed cauliflower—yummy!) and translates the leftovers into several additional meals. And don’t for one...

Budget Organic Meal Plan No. 3: Tandoori Chicken
In case you’re new here, these Budget Organic Meal Plans start with a “Sunday” roast (that you can cook any night of the week, of course) and then repurpose the leftovers into additional meals. You can check out the first two in the series here and here and, of course, read all about other...
Using the Themes Grid on the Meal Planning Worksheet
One of the key differences between my method of meal planning and others I’ve seen is that I try to help you set up a framework for picking recipes—because I know what it’s like to sit down with a stack of cookbooks and the whole internet in front of you and thinking, “Now what??”...
Adding Recipes to the Meal Planning Worksheet
One of the coolest features of the meal planning worksheet that comes FREE as a bonus with my new meal planning ebook is that you can create lists of your favorite recipes within the document, and then select them from a simple drop down list. Honestly, it couldn’t be any easier than that! This...
How to use the Meal Planning Worksheet
My brand new ebook, “Meal Planning for Real People on Real Budgets,” comes with a really neat meal planning worksheet that I designed in Excel. I couldn’t find a meal planning template that did everything I wanted it to do, so I made my own! And now, I’m offering it as a free bonus with...