Free Stuff Roundup!

Since I did my first EVER healthy eating talk yesterday to a great group of moms and dads, I thought I’d do a round up of all the cool free stuff on the site for our newest visitors! First and foremost, if you sign up for my newsletter, you get access to my free...

Fight With Your Fork! Join an Eat-In

“We each own a secret weapon that weighs only a few ounces. If this was strategically deployed for one day, we could transform our world into a better place. We could end obesity and chronic disease, revitalize our children’s health, achieve academic excellence, topple corrupt governments, restore our depleted soils, replenish our vanishing aquifers...

FREE Books for Better Living

This is so cool, I just had to share with you guys. I just found out about Books for Better Living Live—for two weeks, you get free access to lessons from 14 of the world’s best gurus for better living, like Danielle LaPorte, Deepak Chopra, Gabrielle Bernstein and a whole lot more. Here’s what...